Indian cricket commentator and journalist Harsha Bhogle took to his official X account to criticise Virat Kohli and captain Rohit Sharma for their disappointing returns with the bat during the recently concluded home Test season. He was also bemused by the shot selection of Rohit Sharma in the second innings of the third Test against New Zealand in pursuit of the 147-run target, which triggered a batting collapse for India, leading to a 0-3 Test series defeat at home for the first-time ever..
While ‘local lad’ Ajaz Patel took the wicket of Virat Kohli, Indian captain Rohit Sharma was picked by Kiwi pacer Matt Henry as he attempted a big hit, which didn’t work out for him. Harsha Bhogle, who found it difficult to understand the strategy used by India’s captain, blasted Rohit for his reckless shot. He wrote on his official X account, “Trying to get my head round Rohit Sharma’s approach. Struggling. That was a wicket on a platter and ended a disappointing home season for him with 133 in 10 innings.”
With just one fifty-plus score in this Test series, Kohli scored just one run from seven balls. Bhogle emphasized how poor Rohit and Kohli have been for India during this home Test campaign. “Kohli 192 in 10 innings. Rohit 133. It has been a forgettable home season for the big two,” he wrote.
New Zealand inflict worst series defeat in India’s Test cricket history
New Zealand managed to inflict the 3-0 Test series loss on India, which was their first whitewash at home in a series with three Tests or more. As Rohit Sharma and Virat Kohli barely contributed to the scoreboard in the third Test, the visitors got the better of the Indian cricket team by 25 runs on Sunday, November 3.
India had earlier lost by eight wickets in the first Test match in Bengaluru before suffering a 113-run defeat in the second game in Pune. Throughout the series, none of the Indian batters were reliable, while the bowlers weren’t quite at their best either. New Zealand’s players, on the other hand, continued to contribute whenever needed, and performed as a cohesive unit.
The manner of defeat in all three games, together with the pre-series reputation of both teams, added to the shock element of the 0-3 Test series loss of India against New Zealand, whether it was the crowd gathered at the Wankhede Stadium or the fans on social media.